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Digital Offers

The intersection at Checkpoint Charlie in 2021 with the photo of the Russian soldier and the four-language sector border sign.

Berlin Wall Foundation © Photo: Gesa Simons

Today, the traces of the border fortifications, the GDR border crossing and the Allied checkpoint have been almost completely erased from this world-famous historic site. The Berlin Wall Foundation is currently planning the redesign of the memorial site at Checkpoint Charlie. It will be some time before this happens. However, we have already developed digital offerings about Checkpoint Charlie and its history.

Message From Micha

Collage with passport photo, hammer and sickle, in front of barbed wire on a red background and the words "Message from Micha 1961.

At Checkpoint Charlie, 13-year-old Michael ventures underground to escape to the West. Will he be able to find his way through the sewers?

Collage with passport photo, hammer and sickle, in front of barbed wire on a red background and the words "Message from Micha 1961.

Audio Walk

A young black man in a purple shirt with short dreadlocks is looking at his phone with interest and wearing over-ear headphones.

Explore Checkpoint Charlie and its surroundings with our audio walk "The Building of the Wall in 1961. A Tracing in Berlin Mitte". It is available here on the website and via the BerlinHistoryApp.

A young black man in a purple shirt with short dreadlocks is looking at his phone with interest and wearing over-ear headphones.

AR App Cold War Berlin

Blue icon of the 3D app with the same-named writing "Cold War Berlin" in white capital letters, in front of it a red tear.

Explore the historic site of Checkpoint Charlie and the history of the tank confrontation with your smartphone! The AR app "Cold War Berlin" turns this history into a three-dimensional experience: Use your smartphone or tablet to bring a true-to-scale 3D model of the former border crossing to any location. View the events from different angles and discover historical photos, films and radio reports. Teachers can also find accompanying and in-depth materials for the classroom.

Blue icon of the 3D app with the same-named writing "Cold War Berlin" in white capital letters, in front of it a red tear.
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